For those who care,
Album of the Year
Coldplay, Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends
Lil Wayne, Tha Carter III
Ne-Yo, Year of the Gentleman
Robert Plant and Alison Krauss, Raising Sand
Radiohead, In Rainbows
Best New Artist
Jonas Brothers
Lady Antebellum
Jazmine Sullivan
Record of the Year
Adele, "Chasing Pavements"
Coldplay, "Viva la Vida"
Leona Lewis, "Bleeding Love"
M.I.A., "Paper Planes"
Robert Plant and Alison Krauss, "Please Read the Letter"
Song of the Year
Estelle (featuring Kanye West), "American Boy"
Adele, "Chasing Pavements"
Jason Mraz, "I'm Yours"
Sara Bareilles, "Love Song"
Coldplay, "Viva la Vida"
Full list here
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Grammy Nods 2009
Hunter Wry
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Labels: Grammy Nominations 2009
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Fierce? Not Quite
Hunter Wry
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Labels: Beyonce
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
If She Were A Boy
Sometimes songs don't click for me until I see the video. I was pretty meh about Beyonce's If I were A Boy, but then I saw the mv and it totally clicked-- the single tear, and the running liner. You can watch it here.
But my favorite Beyonce song as of late is Upgrade U. I especially loved her lip-syncing over Jay-Z's part. Kinda wonder what sort of direction she got during filming.
"Okay Sasha Fierce, give me a Jay-Z snarl... grrr..."
If she were a boy, she'd still look pretty good.
Hunter Wry
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
#44 is a Magical Number.
No lie, I was a sobbing, puffy mess last night when Barack Obama gave his speech as the President-elect. Pinch me, it really happened! What astounds me is how his campaign mobilized so many Americans to believe in the power that we have as voters, and as citizens. You just have to give a damn. The votes of millions of Americans propelled him to the presidency, and although I know what a tough job he has a head of him, I'm not cynical about whether or not he can get it done.
Stevie Wonder- Signed, Sealed, Delivered
(Greatest Hits!)
Might I add, Senator McCain also gave an incredibly gracious concession speech last night as well. Except for the people ruining the vibe with the classless and unnecessary taunts, which he quickly shot down. That was truly maverick-y. They could learn a lot from Elisabeth Hasselbeck who uncharacteristically supportive of Obama this morning on The View. That was a shocker!
Hunter Wry
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Labels: Election 2008, mp3, Stevie Wonder, The View
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Voterade 2008
Hunter Wry
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Labels: Election 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Nicole Atkins has got you covered.
I totally forgot to put up these photos from All Points West. I mean, the whole event was kind of meh, but Nicole Atkins really rocked the joint I think. Who knew she was going to ham (and egg) it up too.
She’s got a new EP out, aptly named, “Nicole Atkins’ Digs Other People’s Songs,” including covers of Mama Cass, Nada Surf, and The Church.
Available via digital download (Amazon or iTunes)
Nicole Atkins- Under The Milky Way (The Church cover)
PS- Bowery Ballroom with Salt & Samovar and The Nouvellas 11/14! Have you got your tickets yet?
Hunter Wry
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Labels: mp3, Nicole Atkins
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Political Swagger
I was on the bus last week, and an 8 year old knew the voting age, presidential term limits, and Hilary Clinton sound bytes by heart. It was adorb. I love how this current election has ignited an interest in politics for kids today.
No matter who you support, it's important to vote. You can vote however you like.
T.I would be proud. And CNN coverage too! Go Ron Clark Academy!
(Thanks Shabs!)
Hunter Wry
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Labels: Education, Election 2008, T.I.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Did you see PR last night?
No spoilers here, but I thought all three of the ladies did a smashing job. Even Kenley. Yeah, I love to hate on her, but I thought her collection was pretty fierce too. And what is with the ANTM/PR crossover going on? I counted four ex-ANTM contestants last night-- Eugena, Dani Evans, Bianca Golden, and Naima! (If it sounds like I watch too much reality TV, it's probably because I do.)
My favorite collection was Korto's-- Those colorful fans blew me away. Her selection of music was pretty awesome too. I've been googling non-stop trying to find out who produced the track. The song doesn't look like it's available commercially, but it's by someone named "Joshua" who posted a reply on Korto's runway video acknowledging he is the source of the music. He has a youtube page.
I want one of those fans.
Hunter Wry
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Labels: Korto, Project Runway, Reality TV, Videos
Friday, October 3, 2008
Use Protection.
Yikes, our markets caught business syphillis! Stephen Colbert explains:
Hunter Wry
Friday, October 03, 2008
Labels: Colbert Report, TV
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Superman Cometh
Izza Kizza loves Family Guy, comic books, and given the Shirley Ellis sample on this slick track, playground chants like The Clapping Song. It gives it a throwback cred that begs for a singalong. Well, there's that and digging up the jump rope in the back of your closet for a double dutch throwdown.
I was never very good at double dutch, so singalong it is!
Izza Kizza- Walk The Dog (ft Missy Elliot)
(Check out the myspace for info on how to download his Kizzaland mixtape for free!)
Hunter Wry
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Labels: Izza Kizza, Missy Elliot, mp3, Shirley Ellis
Monday, September 15, 2008
"Empanadas Are the New Cupcakes"
We didn't see this in Beijing, but if the olympics pop into host town, "Williamsburg," at least you'll know what to expect.
"Hipster Olympics"
Oh so deliciously quotable.
Hunter Wry
Monday, September 15, 2008
Labels: Ironica, Olympics, Videos, Williamsburg
Friday, September 12, 2008
How do you do it? Make me feel like I do?
The book made me so nostalgic for the mix tapes I made 10 years ago that I went digging through my drawers and boxes looking for the cassettes that had all my old favorites on them. I found one with some Incubus and Sarah McLachlan songs and happily popped it into my stereo.
I was bopping around singing “Stellar,” and generally having a grand time, when suddenly the tape stopped. Funny, I could have sworn there were more songs on this one. When I opened the deck, a whole blooming ribbon of cassette guts tangled the spindle, forcing me to do something I haven’t done in a decade—rewind the damn thing with a pencil*.
It’s funny how time forces you to remember the correct course of action for a problem that now feels utterly alien. Rewinding ribbon?!? I know I could just as well listen to an mp3 of the song or listen to the CD, but the low-fi, static buzz of my ancient recording takes me back to 1999, belting out this song with my best friend, and making it my secret love song for some boy I can’t even remember the name of right now**.
Hunter Wry
Friday, September 12, 2008
Labels: Books, Incubus, mixed tape, mp3
Monday, September 8, 2008
Judgement Day
Season 2 of Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles premieres tonight on Fox.
By far my favorite Garbage B-side...
Hunter Wry
Monday, September 08, 2008
Labels: Eric Avery, Garbage, mp3, Shirley Manson, TV
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Superpowers of Lykke Li! Part II
Although it hardly feels like autumn in New York right now, when the air gets cooler, I know this song will be on heavy rotation for my September playlist.
Happy autumn. Happy 24. So many reasons to be happy.
Hunter Wry
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Superpowers of Lykke Li!
This Swedish gal has all kinds of supernatural bewitchery up her (lovely cashmere) sleeves.
Like rockin' the megaphone and bringing sexy back with those platform boots for one.
And that sweater! That belt! (!!!) Doood, I'm having heart palpitations. I kinda wish I had a power that would enable me to reach through time, space, and the interweb to steal her damn outfit.
Lykke Li, I come in peace.
Hunter Wry
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Labels: Conan O'Brien, Lykke Li, Videos
Saturday, August 30, 2008
The Notorious C.H.O
Growing up as an Asian American in the 90s meant slim pickings when it came to representation in the media. My idols were Kristi Yamaguchi, and Margaret Cho. One is an Olympic gold medalist, and the other just got a g-shot in her vagina.
You gotta love The Cho.
Now the All-American Girl has a reality show on VH1 called “The Cho Show,” and you can watch the first episode online here!
She may also add Broken Social Scene member to her resume soon.
Could this be the result of pleading with Kevin Drew’s answering machine during her visit to The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos?
Hi Kevin Drew,
This is Margaret Cho. I am such a fan of yours and I wanna join the Broken Social Scene! There are so many people in the band no one will notice if there’s just one more person. I wanna join, and I can play any instrument. I’ll learn really fast. I’m Asian! I’m a quick study. Please let me join your band!
Will she rock the rain stick or the triangle? I can’t wait to find out.
Broken Social Scene: Cause=Time
(Buy the album here)
Hunter Wry
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Labels: Broken Social Scene, George Stroumboulopoulos, Kristi Yamaguchi, Margaret Cho, mp3, TV
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Yankee Doodle Dandy
You know, I've been paying so much attention to the hoopla at the DNC, that I didn't know John McCain picked up a new endorsement.
*Shrugs* It's a toss up! Anyone else notice how Daddy Yankee totally stole the spotlight? I don't know what I found more disturbing though: Daddy Yankee endorsing John McCain's immigration policies, or hearing John McCain say, "Daddy Yankee."
Anyway, I'm still trying to figure out what they have in common.
Oh, right. They love that gasolina.
Hunter Wry
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Labels: campaign 2008, Daddy Yankee, John McCain
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Birthdays: Shirley Manson
I’m beyond disappointed that her record label is shelving her new album, which apparently they believe is too “noir” to turn a profit.
"I've had a really successful career. I don't really need to do anything for money and I certainly have no intention of doing that. I just want to live a creative life and sing songs that have some meaning for me personally," she says in an interview with The Scotsman.
Hunter Wry
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Labels: birthdays, Shirley Manson, TV, Women Who Rock
Monday, August 25, 2008
Everything Has A Place
Interior design is not a field in which I am particularly skilled. In any case, I came across this spread from Domino Magazine from 2007, which featured a house tour of Blonde Redhead's apartment, complete with photos of their baubles and knick knacks.
I'm kind of surprised actually, because listening to their moody melodies, I expected their living space to reflect the same darkness I hear in the music. Maybe my biggest surprise is that they have a cat. They're cat people! Who would have guessed? His name is "Toto" according to this interview.
Everything in the space is so delicate, fragile. Even Toto looks like he might shatter if you try to pet him, and yet it all fits. Everything has a place. My favorite piece in the apartment is the perculator on that stove. I know it doesn't seem very special considering all the other antiques, but the smell of brewing coffee says, "We are living here."
That's really the only thing that matters.
Blonde Redhead- Elephant Woman
(Buy Misery is a Butterfly)
Hunter Wry
Monday, August 25, 2008
Labels: Blonde Redhead, mp3
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Happy Happy Joy Joy
Not long ago, I wrote about this great band called Joy Formidable. Label-less but talented, I wondered when they would get their big break. I'm so happy to report that they're on the Another Music= Another Kitchen roster! They'll also be playing Reading and Leeds this weekend, before hitting up London with Ra Ra Riot on Aug 26. It'll be a killer show, natch.
Take a look at JF's video for Austere. I don't know about you, but Ritzy looks like a pixie Alice in Wonderland here.
Tea partaaay!
Hunter Wry
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Labels: The Joy Formidable, Videos
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Behold the Golden Age
Hunter Wry
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Labels: mp3, TV On the Radio
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Oceans Will Rise
Today, this Montreal quintet releases their third studio album, Oceans Will Rise. Well, do the oceans rise? Or rather, have they met expectations? Every fan of this band remembers their stellar debut album, Logic Will Break Your Heart, supported by tours with indie darlings, Ryan Adams, and Interpol. Their next album, Without Feathers left Logic fans behind, so what can you expect from Oceans? You must guess they’re not going to do the same old thing again.
Hunter Wry
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Labels: mp3, The Stills, Videos
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Magic Wands
You know when you were thirteen and your parents insisted you go to sleep away camp, but you thought it was a really lame idea? Like, you’d have to wear khaki shorts and make lanyards and birdhouses all summer? Not to mention the extreme sunburn potential and mosquito infestation.
But then you caught the eye of a girl at the all girl camp across the lake, and you thought, “Wow, she’s kind of awesome.” Next thing you know, you two are falling in love, rebelling against authority, and struggling to find a way to canoe into the sunset together.
Sigh, Teenage Love. ‘Tis a lovely thing.
Magic Wands- Teenage Love (box link)
Head to their myspace for more info. Did I mention they’re touring with The Kills, The Virgins, and Black Kids? Magic in the making, I tell ya.
Hunter Wry
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Labels: Magic Wands, mp3
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Ass Backwards
Laura: Oh honey, let your Dad have his proud moment... At least it's right side up.
(photo via HuffPo)
Hunter Wry
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Labels: Moments In History
Friday, August 8, 2008
Jam Rock Version 2.0
You guys, I've never been good at Guitar Hero. In fact, I downright suck. I blame it on global warming... and my lack of hand eye coordination.
Anyway, today I learned via Wired, of this social-networking type website called JamLegend where users challenge each other for the right to call themselves a Guitar Hero. A computer keyboard is used in lieu of the actual controller, but the last I checked, Keyboard Hero didn't make the shortlist for cool names.
What I especially like about this site is that bands are encouraged to upload their music into the game as well. So who knows, one day I might be jamming (poorly) to one of your songs, unsigned band!
Here's a sneak peak:
JamLegend Trailer from JamLegend on Vimeo.
Hunter Wry
Friday, August 08, 2008
Labels: Guitar Hero, JamLegend, the net
Thursday, August 7, 2008
What's up, b? Wasabi
Cover songs! My guilty pleasure.
I really like this cover of “Superstar” by Dallas group, Shock of Pleasure. The electronic chill out vibe hits the mark. Karen Carpenter would approve. I would listen to this a lot more if I was sad, drunk, or in love. Sometimes it’s hard to distinguish one from the other.
Shock of Pleasure- Superstar (The Carpenters Cover)
(Buy their EP on iTunes)
So how many of you remember Cibo Matto from the glorious 90s? After seeing them perform on Sessions on West 56th, I bought their second album, Stereo Type A. I remember getting my friend to listen to “Sci- Fi Wasabi,” and she turned to me and inquired as to why I was listening to such crap. Sci-Fi Wasabi was not top-40 material, but hearing Miho Hatori rap about economic duality gave me chills, I admit. This is a cover of Nirvana’s About A Girl. Somehow I can imagine Kurt Cobain crossing his arms up in heaven, all snug in his grandpa sweater, and nodding along.
Cibo Matto- About A Girl (Nirvana Cover)
(About A Girl is from the Moonchild-Sampler. Checkout the album, Stereo Type A, here)
Hunter Wry
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Labels: Cibo Matto, mp3, Nirvana, Shock of Pleasure, The Carpenters, Women Who Rock
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
This Doesn't Happen In Detention.
I hate this JC Penny Back to School commercial:
Mostly because it makes me feel old. Also, I don't know many kids who can place the reference, do you?
Just for kicks, watch the original dancing scene from The Breakfast Club here.
Hunter Wry
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Labels: Bad Ad Fads, Film, The Breakfast Club
Birthdays: Barack Obama
Senator Barack Obama celebrated his 47th birthday yesterday.
Happy Birthday!
And next year, hopefully we can say, "Happy Birthday, Mr. President."
Hunter Wry
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Labels: barack obama, birthdays, campaign 2008
Greg... speaks!
So I'm gearing up for the new Stills album that comes out later this month and for nostalgic purposes, I've been looking for videos of the band from the Logic Will Break Your Heart era.
I found this one where Oliver and Greg talk about their van, and that's when I realized that this is the first time I've heard Greg speak...ever.
I got a weird sensation from hearing him talk. It's kind of like when your mute Uncle Ralph asks you to pass the peas during Christmas dinner or something- you can't believe your ears, but you really want him to do it again.
Greg Paquet's not a mute of course, he was just the quietest. I miss the Logic era :( I miss Greg! I remember reading interviews from other band members that he was the most cerebral of the group. Here's an interview he did in 2003 where he drops vocab bombs and talks about poutine.
I miss Greg! :( Just thought I'd reiterate... sigh.
Hunter Wry
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Labels: Greg Paquet, The Stills, Videos
Monday, August 4, 2008
From Russia, No Love
Russia's rank and file sponsors a bill to ban emo music, which they say, inspires "negative ideology." (You know they can't have any of that.)
As reported by The Guardian:
Last month the State Duma held a hearing on "Government Strategy in the Sphere of Spiritual and Ethical Education", a piece of legislation aimed at curbing "dangerous teen trends". There, without a clue in the world, social conservatives lumped "emos" together with skinheads, pushing for heavy regulation of emo websites and the banning of emo and goth fashion from schools and government buildings.Next on the agenda, book banning! Oops, been there, done that.
"The point of the bill is so that by 2020, Moscow will have someone to rule its government," explained Alexander Grishunin, an adviser to bill sponsor Yevgeny Yuryev, apparently without irony. "This is the first step in the public discourse."
Breaking News, Chris Carrabba is adding Russia to his list of "The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most."
Hunter Wry
Monday, August 04, 2008
Labels: Dashboard Confessional, News, Policy Folly, Russia
The most enduring character created by the first lady of chick-lit is reincarnated for the next generation of book lovers. And I’m not even trying to be metaphoric.
You see, it’s kind of hard to resist, “Mr. Darcy with fangs.”
The last novel in Stephanie Meyers’ Twilight series came out this weekend and by all accounts, was well received. As for me, I read the first book last week just to see what everyone was fussing over. Despite myself, I’m hooked. Although I stumbled over some of her flowery language and over dependence on “perfect” and “angel” as descriptors for Edward Cullens (Vampire Darcy), I have to hand it to her for making me giggle and sigh like a schoolgirl. What is it about Darcy-esque characters that just won’t quit?
I was also reading on her website about how the Twilight series came about and it’s a good read for anyone who wants to get published.
Read a short interview with her in EW where she talks about where she gets her inspiration. (Spoiler: It’s music!)
Hunter Wry
Monday, August 04, 2008
Labels: Books, Stephanie Meyers
Thursday, July 31, 2008
It’s Cool To Give The Shirt Off Your Back
So a little birdie told me about this Montreal t-shirt company that sells shirts with designs by indie rock stars whom we wish were our friends. (Tell me, who wouldn’t love to be part of the scene? You know the broken, but social one.) 100% of the profits are donated to a charity of the musician’s choice. I like those odds.
I’m kind of feeling this shirt designed by The National. Simple, and makes a statement:
Yellow Bird Project even has a theme song that you can listen to while shopping for new threads. The song is called “A Field of Birds” by Swedish musician, The Tallest Man on Earth, and you can download it for free on their site too.
T-shirts, free music, and a good cause. What’s not to love?
Find out more about Yellow Bird Project.
Hunter Wry
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Labels: Style, The National, The Tallest Man On Earth, Yellow Bird Project
The Beginning Is Never The End
One of the earliest albums that I bought for myself was the soundtrack to the 1997 film, Batman & Robin. Yes, that would be the film that tanked the franchise until Nolan and Bale resurrected it from the dead with Batman Begins.
What few people realize was that even though the film was one of the worst movies of the decade, the soundtrack was an unexpected mishmash of brilliance. (I have it on cassette! I was a bit of a late bloomer and didn’t have a CD player till much later in life.) Sandwiched between two versions of essentially the same Smashing Pumpkins songs were tracks from Bone Thugs, Jewel, and trip hop group, Moloko. It was an unconventional mix that really worked for me. Anyway, I only started thinking about this because best buddy and I caught the trailer for 2009’s graphic novel film de jour, The Watchmen, when we went to see The Dark Knight. I recognized the song as Smashing Pumpkins’ The Beginning Is The End Is The Beginning from B&R. It's also available on their album of singles and rarities.
Recycling a Batman song in a trailer shown before a new Batman movie? I kind of love it.
Watch the trailer for The Watchmen:
Smashing Pumpkins- The Beginning Is The End Is The Beginning
(Buy Batman and Robin, or the Pumpkins’ Singles and Rarities)
Hunter Wry
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Labels: Film, mp3, Smashing Pumpkins
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Why So Serious?
So rarely is a movie hyped to mass proportions AND lives up to its reputation.
After watching The Dark Knight yesterday, I had a long walk and discussion with a friend about morality, humanity, chance, fate, God, and all that good stuff. "We can write an academic paper about this," my friend and I said. Haha, I'm sure someone is on it already. But I believe the same thing happened after I watched Memento. Christopher Nolan's storytelling is much admired. And Heath Ledger's Joker? All I can say is, "Wow..."
Hunter Wry
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Labels: Film
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I Know The Way These Things Begin
I still get chills whenever I hear, Caramel by Suzanne Vega. An acoustic-y version from one of my PBS favorites.
Loving the bass intro on that...
Side note, Sessions on West 54th was one of the greatest programs on public television!
Hunter Wry
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Labels: Suzanne Vega, Videos, Women Who Rock
Friday, July 25, 2008
The truth is here. Again.
David Duchovny is promoting the hell out of the new X-Files movie. It’s an older, wiser, and grimier looking Fox Mulder, and I’m not sure I still want to believe.
Speaking of Duchovny, I don’t know how many of you remember Bree Sharp, but her claim to fame in the late 90s was penning a song about her love for David Duchovny. And then they played the song on the radio and everyone responded with, “Wow, that girl either insane, or incredibly talented. Or both.”
Afterwards, she continued releasing albums under her own label, and is slated to release her third studio album sometime this year. You can hear the new material on her myspace page.
Bree Sharp- David Duchovny
Hunter Wry
Friday, July 25, 2008
Labels: Bree Sharp, David Duchovny, Film, mp3
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Smokey Rolls Down A Bollywood Music Vid
I’m really not the biggest Devendra Banhart fan, but I’m digging the song, Carmensita right now. Yup, it’s the song from the Bollywood inspired music video featuring Natalie Portman and Banhart in, “racial drag,” as the Asian-American culture blog, Disgrasian puts it.
I wonder what inspired the Venezuelan-American born folkster to go Bollywood? I don’t condone racial drag, but at the very least it’s not The Love Guru.
Props for a catchy song, but I'm on the fence about the mv.
Devendra Banhart- Carmensita
(Buy the album)
Hunter Wry
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Labels: Devendra Banhart, Film, mp3, Natalie Portman, Race is not a hipster trend, Videos
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Stay Golden
She played Sophia Petrillo, the feisty Sicilian matriarch of the long running sitcom, The Golden Girls. Growing up, I used to watch GG with my great grandmother every week, and Sophia was her favorite character. It's still one of my favorite shows.
You can still catch Sophia deliver her clever zingers on the Lifetime channel’s GG reruns.
Ms. Getty, you are a legend.
Hunter Wry
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Labels: Thank You For Being A Friend, TV
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Who Would You Rather Be?
After all this is gone,
Who would you rather be?
The Beatles or The Rolling Stones?
There’s a lot thinking going on these days about where my future is heading, so it helps me, I think, to just let it all go, and figure out what kind of direction I want for myself. (Easier said than done) They say these early years make the bulk of a quarter life crisis, and it couldn’t be closer to the truth. Sigh.
In any case, the bright side to my inclination for quick distractions helped me discover Metric’s acoustic version of Give Me Sympathy, which is off their forthcoming album. It was performed at Coachella for SPIN. I heard other live versions of this song, but I think I like it better acoustic. It gives it a little something extra, no? In fact, I love this song so much, I woke up this morning humming the melody. Wouldn’t surprise me if I was singing it in my sleep.
Emily Haines, now there’s a cool chick I admire. She and the guys are touring the festival circuit these next two months, and they’ll also be at All Points West in Jerz! It’ll be hot.
Metric- Give Me Sympathy (acoustic)
watch the performance here
Hunter Wry
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Labels: Metric, mp3, Women Who Rock
Friday, July 18, 2008
Seeing Things
Raise your hand if you knew Jakob Dylan put out a solo album.
I spent most of my adolescence spinning The Wallflowers on my CD player and thought about changing my name to “Josephine” (It’s a lovely song. Look into it!). I was also beyond thrilled to catch their show at the Highline Ballroom last year. Imagine my surprise to learn Jakob Dylan is going solo! The new album, Seeing Things is thoughtful, introspective, and stripped down. Although it’s a little too folksy for my taste, I don’t question the man’s songwriting ability. He’s got an on old soul and it shows.
Could this be the start of a long and prosperous solo career?
He performed from his album on The Tonight Show earlier this week:
Jakob Dylan- Something Good This Way Comes
(Buy the album: Seeing Things)
Hunter Wry
Friday, July 18, 2008
Labels: Jakob Dylan, mp3, the wallflowers, Videos
Friday, July 11, 2008
Memory Is a Two Way Street
My friend is nostalgic for college radio. I too am guilty of being stuck in the past, staring off into space these days, daydreaming of better days. They probably weren’t even that much better, but I suppose that's what age does to you. It makes you view your past through a rose-colored lens.
So, getting on to my Canadian music fix, Two Hours Traffic is a band out of Prince Edward Island, and Little Jabs was nominated for a Polaris earlier this month. The album is infectious listening, filled with memories of college radio sounds, an interesting mix of rock and pop.
Stuck for Summer is not my favorite track, (however appropriate for my current situation). My favorite would probably be “Stolen Earrings,” which I dare say, makes kleptomania sound so endearing…
You should wear
that pair
of earrings that you stole.
You’ve got a fiery soul,
and everyone should know.
A live performance of this song is up on youtube if you’re interested in hearing it.
Hunter Wry
Friday, July 11, 2008
Labels: mp3, Polaris Prize, Two Hours Traffic
Friday, July 4, 2008
All American Girls
As you all relax poolside, drinking beer and eating jello, remember there’s nothing more American than the All American Girl. Maybe my example won’t be the top choice to grace the pages of Maxim or FHM, but hey, butternuts.
Sleater-Kinney: Modern Girl
(Buy The Woods)
They write some of the most compelling lyrics. One of my biggest regrets is never getting the chance to see Sleater-Kinney in concert. Reunion tour? Maybe, soon?
Hunter Wry
Friday, July 04, 2008
Labels: Sleater Kinney, Videos
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
What The Hell’s A Wonderwall, Anyway?
Jay-Z’s response to Noel Gallagher’s comment that “hip hop is wrong for Glastonbury,” was to give the Oasis front man the musical finger. Another Wonderwall cover, anyone?
The only thing better than a really great cover, is a really bad one with the sole purpose of pissing someone off. You can watch his full set over here.
Welcome to Glastonbury, Mr. Carter.
Hunter Wry
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Labels: glastonbury, jay z, oasis
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Lost! Coldplay.
Here are a couple of photos of Coldplay playing a free show at Rockafeller Center. I woke up at the crack of dawn for this. And promptly left right after their sound check.
It hit me as I was smothered between the diehard fans and tourists with their humongous signs, that Coldplay is… well, overrated. My mood might have been determined by the Coldplay zealot I was smushed against, who regularly reaffirmed her love for Chris Martin at seven minute intervals, ( “Did you know that he’s like, the cutest guy ever?”) or maybe the fact that she never set down her sign, even when the stage was empty, and made sure everyone felt the wrath of her enthusiasm. (You’re a fan. Great. I get it.) However, it was probably a combination of the company, and the realization that their music bored me to tears.
As I wiped the sleep from my eyes, and watched them tune up, I asked myself, “Why the hell am I here?” I mean, I loved the Violet Hill vid, but I suppose I was expecting the live act to live up to the hype. To be fair, it is a lot of hype, and it was a free show after all. As I see it, they don’t have very good luck with free shows. I wonder how many people who showed up at MSG were disappointed that their beloved rock god can’t remember the lyrics to his own songs. Their fans are loyal. Believe me, I was hit in the head with a sign by one. Hopefully the rest of their tour will go more smoothly.
As for me, Lovers in Japan is a great song. So is Violet Hill. I will always have Parachutes. But I won’t be shelling out money to see them any time soon.
Hunter Wry
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Labels: coldplay, Concerts, NYC summer concert series
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Twice Is the Only Way to Live
Far-fetched storylines, and a smartly dressed man-whore make up franchise known as Bond—James Bond. And just as Daniel Craig put his mark on the character, The Postmarks have decided to put their own spin on this classic Bond theme.
Sometime between 3am and 4am, I listened to their cover of “You Only Live Twice*,” on repeat, endlessly lulled by Tim Yehezkely’s soothing voice. She’s a girl with a boy name. Don’t you just love that? Not that Nancy Sinatra didn’t rock the original, but I love the mellowness of this version. It’s so easy to get swept away.
The Postmarks- You Only Live Twice
The song is featured on a compilation of cover songs called “By The Numbers,” which you can download for free at eMusic. To get the songs and find out more about The Postmarks, visit their myspace page.
*Are we feeling nostalgic? Rent the movie.
Hunter Wry
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Labels: Film, mp3, The Postmarks
Monday, June 23, 2008
Amy Has Emphysema
Amy Winehouse's father reports that his daughter has an early stage of emphysema, most definitely caused by her cigarette and crack cocaine smoking. Read the full story here.
Hunter Wry
Monday, June 23, 2008
Labels: Amy Winehouse
Friday, June 20, 2008
It's All About Air Control
Just goes to show you that you don't need fancy instruments to make music.
Nothin' but respect for kazoos.
Hunter Wry
Friday, June 20, 2008
Labels: Daughtry, Ellen, instruments, TV, Videos
Monday, June 9, 2008
Chance of Rain
Many moons full, I wonder?
One contradiction
Hunter Wry
Monday, June 09, 2008
Labels: built to spill, haiku? thank you, mp3
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Shake Your Tambourine
These days I’m getting into a band called The Duke Spirit, with a fresh faced gal named Liela Moss as the lead singer. She’s got Sharin Foo’s haircut, Grace Slick’s spirit, and an attitude to boot. Although they’re billed as more of a soul/altrock/grunge group, The Duke Spirit’s aural persona sounds like a modern day Jefferson Airplane, which is fitting since they are a fixture on the festival circuit. Times have changed since the Monterey Pop Fest, but musical roots are alive in the bands today.
The Duke Spirit will be appearing at the All Points West in New Jersey, and the American Eagle Music Festival in Philly. Don’t forget to pack your tambourines!
The Duke Spirit- The Step & The Walk
(Buy the new album, Neptune)
Watch the video for their single:
Hunter Wry
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Labels: Duke Spirit, mp3, Videos, Women Who Rock
Sunday, June 1, 2008
One Year Later
Maria Taylor- A Good Start
(Buy Lynn Teeter Flower)
If this lovely lady sounds familiar to you, you might recognize her better from her other act with Orenda Fink, known as Azure Ray. I’m a big fan of Azure Ray, and was sad when they disbanded in 2004, but they’ve both gone on to lucrative solo acts. “A Good Start” is fuel for my inner optimist, the girl who agrees with solitude and intuition. Only you know what’s best for you. I can’t even stress that enough.
Nearly one year ago, I started this blog as a place to share my musical tastes, and as motivation to get out and cover some wicked shows. Have I succeeded? Meh, maybe. I have enjoyed getting to know some of my readers better, and getting acquainted with smaller, independent artists whose talent and persistence in this harsh business continually leave me in awe. How do you do it? However, I do apologize for not updating as often as I should. I’m going through some career turbulence right now which prevents me from focusing attention here more often. But I promise, when all this blogging stuff stops being fun, or when giant speakers finally do in my ear drums, (whichever comes first), is the day I retire my bloggy keyboard for good. Until then, do as Rihanna says, and "Please don't stop the music!"
Hunter Wry
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Labels: anniversaries, Azure Ray, Maria Taylor, mp3, Orenda Fink
Friday, May 23, 2008
Dance Dance Revolución
I don’t know about you, but to me, the buzz surrounding Coldplay’s fourth studio album can almost be labeled non-existent to slow simmer. Maybe I like it better this way. I just want to enjoy the single like a juicy secret before I hear it on a loop every hour on the radio, or in a NY cabbie’s car stereo when I’m going somewhere trés important.
Okay, that last one is a lie. I haven’t been in a cab since 2003. Metrocards, baby, Metrocards. Cabs are still yellow right? :)
The single off the new record, Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends, is Violet Hill, and in addition to the conventional music video, the band also posted an alternative video on their myspace, protesting war and violence in the most unconventional way I can think of— dancing politicians. I vote for this one to be the official video. It’s powerful stuff.
And to his credit, John McCain never got caught dancing in public. Don’t know if it’s because he can’t get down, or he really can’t get down.
Coldplay- Violet Hill
(Preorder your copy Viva la Vida or Death… available June 17th)
Hunter Wry
Friday, May 23, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Set Em' Up & Knock Em' Down
(photo: Alan Marvas)
Brooklyn’s own Alan Wilkis has put out a hodgepodge-homage to the glam old school electronic, soul and rock, entitled Babies Dream Big, which is sure to tear up any summer playlist. It wasn’t only the music that gave me fuzzy feelings. His songs have also been featured in Good Magazine’s political profiles of our presidential candidates. Since yesterday’s Oregon and Kentucky primaries has my choice for president inching just a little closer to the White House, let’s celebrate democracy, shall we?
And what’s democracy if not the freedom of choice?
Watch the other videos on his myspace page!
Alan Wilkis- I'm Famous
(Buy Babies Dream Big)
Hunter Wry
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Labels: Alan Wilkis, campaign 2008, mp3, Videos
Sunday, May 4, 2008
No, Wow? -- The Kills @ Webster Hall
Here are a few shots of The Kills at Webster Hall on May 1st. Exciting night it was—about a quarter through their set, the fire department showed up on stage to investigate some kind of fire. (Unsure of what it was exactly, but their set was delayed for 10 minutes. I didn’t see any fire, but I suspect it was behind all the equipment I was in front of.)
The Kills looked confused after finishing No Wow-- Like what's with the all the firemen? But the firemen and security looked like they enjoyed the attention. Rock on FDNY.
Hunter Wry
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Flow Natural
There may not be another place in the world where the bike messenger is as vital to the city energy as right here in New York. And leave it to the messengers to provide me with a daily dose of philosophical enlightenment. So tonight I watched Daniel Leeb’s 2005 docu-short about 10 times, and I’m loving it more every time. It’s mostly follows one messenger named Alfred Bobe Jr. as he goes on his daily run. His matter-of-fact attitude and talk of consciousness and awareness makes him a yogi on wheels, if not an artist. Seriously, not getting run over by the psycho traffic should be an art form.
I love riding through here, you know? We have the Plaza Hotel on 5th avenue. This whole area smells like money…It is what it is...
(Sniffs the air as he rides pass a Central Park carriage.)
Or horse shit.
Love the use of Masta Killa too. Old School/New Classic.
Water can flow, water can crash. Be water, my friend.
Masta Killa- Masta Killa
(Buy Masta Killa- No Said Date)
Hunter Wry
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Labels: Film, Masta Killa, mp3, New York Cares
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Knock Knock. Hello? Anyone There?
"Of all the endless combinations of words in all of history, 'Cellar Door' is the most beautiful."- Ms. Pomeroy, Donnie Darko
Hunter Wry
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Sensible Deductions
MadTV's Keegan-Michael Key's Sensual Seduction spoof reminds us to maximize our deductions on this last day for filing tax returns. He might have some trouble writing off the bong and the mountain of weed though, but just sayin' is all.
Also, this gentleman ,who might be your accountant, is jumping in on this musical fun too. Steve Zelin quit his job to pursue music full time and he's something like the Weird-Al Yankovic of CPAs. He does accountant-themed parodies, so his audience must be rather limited. Not that we can't all appreciate "Tax Busters", a spirited rendition of "Ghost Busters," but maybe he should keep his day job.
Hunter Wry
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
For You, A Thousand Times Over
After finishing A Thousand Splendid Suns a few weeks ago, I eagerly picked up The Kite Runner. I stayed up until the wee hours last night finishing it because I couldn't’t bear to put it down. Khaled Hosseini is such a brilliant writer, and it’s been a really long time that I’ve read a novel worthy of getting under-eye dark circles.
It's been a couple of years since I've really enjoyed a book, and I don't mean reading on the subway during morning commute, or catching bits and paragraphs whenever I can. So last week when the weather was beautiful, I went to Bryant Park, and sat in the park, soaked up the sun, marveled at how green the lawn was, enjoyed a warm breeze and just read and read. There is something so satisfying about getting knee deep in a novel with no distractions except when the wind gets ahead of itself and turns the pages for me.
What should I read now?
Hunter Wry
Monday, April 14, 2008
Labels: Books
Friday, April 11, 2008
Dealing A False Hand
My dear friend Sofiblu updates me on music I should know about, so I was excited when I hit the theatre today to catch a screening of 21, and the opening scene featured one of her picks, MGMT’s “Time To Pretend.”
This is our decision to live fast and die young,
We’ve got the vision, now let’s have some fun.
MGMT- Time To Pretend
(Buy Oracular Spectacular)
However, it’s ironic that Time To Pretend is the song choice considering the controversy surrounding the film. The story is based on a real-life MIT blackjack team who beat the odds and raked in millions of dollars at the casinos. The movie version is led primarily by Caucasian actors, like Jim Sturgess, with Asian-Americans playing supporting roles. Problem is, the real MIT team and was led by Jeff Ma and consisted of mostly Asian-Americans. I know movies are “loosely based” on the real story, but that’s quite a liberty to take on casting. Hypothetically, if the real-life team was headed by an African-American or a Latino-American, would studios have taken such liberties? Does having an Asian-American male, in a leading dramatic role that has nothing to do with a historical period, and everything to do with a damn good story, signify the film will tank in the box office?
Studio executives need to take a risk. The bottom line is the bottom line, but give the audience some credit that they’ll shell out money for a good story regardless of the skin color of the lead actors. That kind of honesty would be refreshing, and I'm not the only one who thinks so.
Hunter Wry
Friday, April 11, 2008
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Block Party
Hunter Wry
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Labels: gadgets
The Lady Reincarnate
Unlike the other covers I have heard, which are distinctly Elliot Smith, her cover has Lady Day stamped all over it. From the surreptitious gloom haunting the intimate vocals, she may as well light up a cigarette and take solitude on the stage of a smoke filled jazz bar. If Elliot Smith and Billie D had a love child, it wouldn’t surprise me if it was this amazing young woman.
This track comes from her second album, Careless Love.
Madeleine Peyroux- Between The Bars
(Buy Careless Love)
Hunter Wry
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Labels: Madeleine Peyroux, mp3, Women Who Rock
Monday, April 7, 2008
In Great Company
The UK births yet another great band called Red Light Company, and they have opened for one of my favorite groups, The Editors. Fresh, bright, kind of like a springtime green salad, I can absolutely hear RLC being enjoyed on a patio deck party of some sort. Watch for the EP available for download later this month. You CD fanatics out there, can grab a copy on May 26th.
Until then, enjoy this mp3 and video!
Red Light Company- With Lights Out
(Red Light Company myspace)
Hunter Wry
Monday, April 07, 2008
Labels: mp3, Red Light Company, Videos