Monday, August 4, 2008


The most enduring character created by the first lady of chick-lit is reincarnated for the next generation of book lovers. And I’m not even trying to be metaphoric.

You see, it’s kind of hard to resist, “Mr. Darcy with fangs.”

The last novel in Stephanie Meyers’ Twilight series came out this weekend and by all accounts, was well received. As for me, I read the first book last week just to see what everyone was fussing over. Despite myself, I’m hooked. Although I stumbled over some of her flowery language and over dependence on “perfect” and “angel” as descriptors for Edward Cullens (Vampire Darcy), I have to hand it to her for making me giggle and sigh like a schoolgirl. What is it about Darcy-esque characters that just won’t quit?

I was also reading on her website about how the Twilight series came about and it’s a good read for anyone who wants to get published.

Read a short interview with her in EW where she talks about where she gets her inspiration. (Spoiler: It’s music!)

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