Thursday, June 21, 2007

C'est un jour d'eté...

I am a writer
I am a dreamer
I am lovely
I am brilliant
I am a force
I am mine
I am yours
We are here
mais... Je suis...

Another random find, and I am so glad I found this. Amel Bent is a French singer who rose to fame on "Nouvelle Star" a French version of American Idol. This is a song from her first album, Un Jour D'Eté (A summer day). Her second album, 20 Years, was released on June 18th. She has a beautiful voice that makes me dream about wandering the streets of Paris, madly in love with a Parisian, smiling awake with coffee and lavender, deliriously happy, French rolling off my tongue because that's what happens when you're in love: Naturallement, tu parle francais.

free music

I will be away again this weekend so no posts till Monday.

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