Thursday, August 23, 2007

Party Girl

I fell asleep last night after watching a stack of movies I've been meaning to get around to-- my favorite thus far, is Party Girl. Parker Posey is queen of the dead-pan dark comedies, gotta love her.

In Party Girl, Mary is an orphaned 20 something, living it up in New York with drugs, illegal raves, and a boyfriend who lowers her self-worth. When she gets her ass tossed in jail, she calls her godmother, Judy to get her out. To make good on her bail loan, Judy gives Mary a job as a library clerk. The Dewey Decimal system can do wonders to whip this girl into shape. Along the way, she meets a hot Falafel vendor, vogues with the best of the drag queens, and discovers there's more to her life than partying-- life lessons as taught by Parker Posey.

As for me, I have a new favorite movie.

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