Saturday, March 22, 2008

Flossy Is The Word

Fans of Fergie Fer’s spelling skills, can celebrate their love of the most popular Facebook application, Scrabulous with this remake of her pop hit, Glamorous. I believe the creators of the addictive word game do a cameo here.

I imagine the back story goes like this:

Sometimes I think back to 1994. Balmy summer game nights in East Santa Monica. Bobby threw down JOBE like it was a real word. I looked him dead in the eye and said,

“Use it in a sentence.”
“After college, I had difficulty finding a jooobe…..?”
“Hey B, If you ain’t got no vocab, take yo’ dumbass home.”

Then we put on our bling and sang this song.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How funny! I really hope they don't take Scrabulous off of Facebook, even though I suck at it :)